


Ветланд-центр ТГУ - звено глобальной сети образовательно-просветительских центров по водно-болотным угодьям (Wetland Link International, WLI).

Wetland Link International (WLI) is a support network for wetland centres which provide education and visitor activities on site. It is run from the Wildfowl and Wetland Trust in the UK, and has around 350 members across six continents.

Wetland Link International (WLI) aims to support wetland centres across the globe to raise awareness of wetland issues through education, involvement and awareness-raising. We do this by sharing best practice, provision of web-based resources and co-ordinating regional initiatives.


  • Support communication between wetland centres and with WLI globally and regionally, sharing best practice.

  • Provide web-based resources and specific advice to existing wetland centres to help them deliver wetland conservation messages effectively.

  • Support the development of new wetland centres.

  • Lobby for the greater inclusion of CEPA activities within wetland conservation initiatives.